Multilingual Websites with Ruby on Rails (3)

Part 3 – Quality Assurence Texte gehören zu den Teilen einer Anwendung, die häufig geändert werden. Wenn dann noch externe Übersetzer im Spiel sind, kann es leicht zu fehlenden Übersetzungen kommen Wir möchten deshalb automatisch testen, dass es zu allen Texten in Sprache A auch Übersetzungen in Sprache B vorhanden sind. Ein solcher Test allein …

Rotating Billboard with jQuery

In 1998, I have presented “Meier’s billboard”, A virtual display panel with changing images. Technically it is a Java-applet. Unfortunately, the reputation of Java-applets in the browser was bad and there was not much interest in my Java-applets. In the meantime, the networks became more powerful, the computers became faster, and thanks to CSS, we …

Multilingual Websites with Ruby on Rails (2)

Part 2 – Variables, Validations, Model Classes Web pages often contains sentences in which a single word is changing. For example, “You are logged in as xxxx.” For the translation, we can obviously assemble the sentence from the components. There is often a problem, because the order of the words is different in different languages …

SQL: Set a Field from a linked Table

A little hack for the Joomla Community Builder Recently, I received a job request. An existing web application will be greatly expanded, and therfore converted to use the CMS “Joomla”. For the management of members  the extension “Community Builder” will be used. Previously, users had a number as login name. This number should now be …

Multilingual Websites with Ruby on Rails

Part 1 – Overview Writing software for several languages is an ever recurrent challenge. Ruby on Rails provides solutions to most of the standard problems in web development. But it needed time until the version 2.2. for the “Internationalization API ” to become an official part of Ruby on Rails. .