Optimize the Ruby-on-Rails database – part one

Reduce the number of database queries

A typical web application does many database queries before it delivers the response page to the web browser. The application needs to wait for the response of each of these database queries. It gets an additional slow down because of process switching. The database server must analyze each request, and also the communication between the database and the application takes time. So less database queries reduce the overall load on the system. The system scales better.
Continue reading “Optimize the Ruby-on-Rails database – part one”

Modification of Ilias Features


Examples for redesign

The learning management system Ilias can be redesigned with skins. (See previous blog entry.) But an Ilias skin can even change the functionality. I show a few examples.

Login Page

Ilias Login form redigned with a custom skin

You find the templates for login, logout and the user agreement in the folder Services / init / default

In our project, we have changed the login page:

1) The login page is important because it is visible to all visitors and not only to our participants. So branding is here especially important. In our case, we added areas with logos at the top and the bottom. We also also placed an image with a truck next to the login form.

2) The ability to self-registration has been removed, because the company decides who is allowed to use the system and provide the users with a login name.

<!-- BEGIN new_registration -->
  <!-- <a class="il_ContainerItemCommand" href="{CMD_REGISTER}">{REGISTER}</a> -->
<!-- END new_registration -->

3) The language switch has been removed, because our participants always speak German, otherwise they could not understand the learning content anyway.

<form action="{LANG_FORM_ACTION}" method="post" name="languageselection">
  <input name="cmd[showLogin]" type="hidden" value="1" />
  <select name="change_lang_to" onchange="this.form.submit()">
    <option value="">{TXT_CHOOSE_LANGUAGE}</option>

AttentionAttention: Be careful when you remove such options: do not remove the annotated “brackets” (BEGIN / END). Ilias (or the template engine) is looking for them and produces errors when the brackets are missing.

Ilias upper menu area with elements you might want to remove

Upper menu area

This area is defined in the file tpl.main_menu.html in the services / MainMenu directory

In our case, we have removed the search box, because Ilias has also a menu item “Search”, and the search did not seem so important for our relatively small offers.

We have also removed the text “Logged in as xxx”, because the area is not public visible anyway, so the participants are always logged in. The “logout” link stands out better that way.

The entries in the menus themselves are not changed in this file, but in the file tpl.main_menu_list_entries.html

Ilias Permalinks

Footer with Permalinks

On (almost) every Ilias page you find a box which contains the so-called permanent link and also links to Facebook, Yahoo, etc.

For companies with a closed user group, this is not desired. We can remove the field in the file

tpl.permanent_link.html in the directory Services / Permanent

Positive side effect: you do not have to explain what a permalink is to the participants.

Rails ActiveRecord: count, length or size?

The object oriented database layer “ActiveRecord” offeres three different methods to determine the number of objects: count(), length() und size().

Alle drei Methoden liefern das gleiche Ergebnis. Was nehmen wir wann? Warum ist es überhaupt wichtig? Nimmt man die falsche Methode, dann erzeugt unsere Ruby-on-Rails-Anwendung überflüssige Datenbankabfragen oder braucht mehr Speicher als eigentlich nötig. Die Anwendung skaliert dann schlechter. Um mir die Unterschiede zwischen den Methoden leichter zu merken habe ich folgendes Schema erstellt.

Continue reading “Rails ActiveRecord: count, length or size?”

Ilias Skins

Custom adaptation of a web-based learning management system

(Translation in progress)

 Ilias is a so-called learning management system (LMS), ie a system for web-based education programs. It is a very comprehensive system. It integrates not only the content in online courses but also communication capabilities such as forums, chat and mail.

 When an organization like a company or a school uses such a system, they usually have the desire to change the design of the user interface.

Reasons for this include:

  1. Differentiation: You don’t want it your system look like all other systems.
  2. You want to customize it to your own Coperate Design, this includes the company logo and color scheme.
  3. Specific needs of users: In our project we want to simplify the usage by ommiting rarely used options.
  4. Regulations to be followed. Words and terms may be specified differently, or there may be ergonomics guidelines for the font size.

Continue reading “Ilias Skins”

Multilingual Websites with Ruby on Rails (3)

Part 3 – Quality Assurence

Texte gehören zu den Teilen einer Anwendung, die häufig geändert werden. Wenn dann noch externe Übersetzer im Spiel sind, kann es leicht zu fehlenden Übersetzungen kommen

Wir möchten deshalb automatisch testen, dass es zu allen Texten in Sprache A auch Übersetzungen in Sprache B vorhanden sind. Ein solcher Test allein hilft schon sehr, und sollte ja nicht so schwierig sein.

Leider gibt es dabei eine Überraschung: in der Internationalisierung-API findet sich zur Zeit (Rails 2.3.5) keine Möglichkeit, alle Schlüssel aufzuzählen (sprich iterieren). Man muss also offenbar die Yaml-Dateien selbst einlesen, um an alle Schlüssel zu kommen. Unserer Test ist dabei leider abhängig von der konkreten Art der Datenhaltung.

texts_hash = YAML::load(IO.read('config/locales/de.yml'))

Wie haben nun einen rekursiven Hash. Um alle Schlüssel zu überprüfen, extrahieren wie sie mit einer gesonderten Funktion. Diese Funktion ist einfach rekursiv aufgebaut.

def deep_hash_key(hash, prefix)
    val = hash[key2]
    newprefix = prefix.nil? ? key2 : "#{prefix}.#{key2}"
    if val.is_a? Hash
     deep_hash_key(val, newprefix)

Wollen wir jetzt die Übersetzungen für alle Schlüssel prüfen lauert die Zweite Falle: Wenn die Übersetzung eine Variableninterpolation enthält, erhalten wir einen Fehler beim Aufrufen der translate() Methode ohne den passenden Hash. Offenbar liefert uns die API auch keinen Zugriff auf den String ohne Interpolierung. Da uns in diesen Test nur die Existenz einer Übersetzung interessiert, und nicht ihr konkreter Wert, fangen wir die Exception “MissingInterpolationArgument” einfach auf.

Für eine deutsche Anwendung mit Übersetzungen in Englisch und Französisch sieht dann der Test so aus:

def test_all_texts_should_exists
  texts_hash = YAML::load(IO.read('config/locales/de.yml'))
  de_keys = deep_hash_key(texts_hash['de'], nil).flatten
  for lang in ['de', 'fr', 'en']
    I18n::locale = lang
    for key in de_keys
        val = I18n.translate(key, :default =&gt; nil, :raise =&gt; true)
      rescue I18n::MissingTranslationData
        val = nil
      rescue I18n::MissingInterpolationArgument
        val = true  # there was a value, only an argument is missing
      assert_not_nil(val, "key missing for locale #{lang}: #{key}")

Wenn jetzt eine Übersetzung fehlt, liefert der Test eine Fehlermeldung der Art:

test_all_texts_should_exists(LocalisationTest): key missing for locale en: users.edit.title

Die fehlende Übersetzung können wir dann ergänzen, bevor wir eine neue Version der Anwendung veröffentlichen. Continue reading “Multilingual Websites with Ruby on Rails (3)”

Rotating Billboard with jQuery

Billboard with changing picturesIn 1998, I have presented “Meier’s billboard”, A virtual display panel with changing images. Technically it is a Java-applet. Unfortunately, the reputation of Java-applets in the browser was bad and there was not much interest in my Java-applets.

In the meantime, the networks became more powerful, the computers became faster, and thanks to CSS, we got new design elements. One day I was dealing with the JavaScript framework “jQuery”. I came across the animate()-method, and I wondered: “is it possible to realize the billboard only with JavaScript?”

Continue reading “Rotating Billboard with jQuery”