Jad Check on the servers from Google

jad check service for online test of your jad files The Jad check is a quality assurance tool for providers of mobile Java software.

The check examines the so-called Jad file on frequently occurring errors. Some errors are otherwise very hard to find, so you save time during troubleshooting. Other errors leads to installation problems on only a few phones. According to Murphy Law, typically the phones of the most important customers. As a provider the test helps to avoid trouble and increases your customer satisfaction.

I have detected the needs for such a test three years ago. My former web host provider has done a server update and forgot to configure the Mimetype :-( . So I wanted to find such errors quickly in the future. I first wrote a command line tool. I found out that I was well ahead of time, even online shops for mobile phones had unnecessary software errors in the JAD-production online. Finally I came up with the idea of an online version of my Jad Check to show my skills to other providers.

In the cloud

The Jad check is also my project for doing a practical test of Google’s App Engine. Since August 2008, the Jad-Check service is online and has been presented in the developer programs for Nokia, SonyEricsson, Sun and Vodafone.

So far I am satisfied with the AppEngine. The development was rapid, the application is running smooth, and there was much positive and no negative feedback. The online service can be found here:


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